Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Listen to General Conference Archives right from the iPhone

Last weekend, I submitted an update to the ooTunes Radio iPhone app with a bunch of bug fixes and a really cool new feature.

Basically, the built-in webbrowser has a new button (a few actually) ... the "play" button. When you're on a webpage that has audio links (such as this: 179th Annual General Conference, April 2009 - English) pushing that button creates an on-the-fly playlist which lets you listened to whichever track you want (individual talks, in order, or full sessions, back to back). You can also bookmark both the page, or the individual tracks for later listening. Also, all the former archives should work just as well as this last april's conference (and the other languages too :) The advantage of this over the podcasts is I don't think you can get the previous stuff with a podcast, and you can do this pretty much on the fly, without having to sync, or download all the "episodes". Though it's also certainly not perfect yet... next update will hopefully have the ability to skip around inside the file, and bookmark timepoints within the files. (It's not super easy when you're streaming to do so though).

Again, this isn't a LDS conference only feature, but works with any site with audio links :) You can use it with many podcasts, many radio stations' pages (if they aren't already in my list of almost 7000 iPhone compatible streams). It also works with audio from (such as over 50,000 live concerts from Live Music Archive).

Hope those of you who bought the app for listening to General Conference Live (or those who got a free code from me) enjoy this update! I hope it's released in the next week or so :)

Let me know as always if you have any problems or suggestions!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Well, I just thought I'd write briefly and say that so far, streaming general conference through ooTunes Radio was as good as it gets! The only problem I noticed personally was that the "elapsed time" appears to have been going about half speed from what it should have been going (and no, I'm not saying conference was long and/or boring... it's a real bug!).

Still have a couple more promo codes left, but I'm probably not going to send them out on the sabbath, so you snooze, you lose :)

Thanks for all the good responses so far! Excited for day two... maybe I'll listen in Portuguese this time to take me back to my days as a missionary!

Let me know if anyone had any difficulties listening through my app!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The conferences streams should now be all in the Database...

For those of you who already have my ooTunes Radio iPhone and iPod Touch app, the links should open the app and go right to the correct stream when you tap them from your iPhone or iPod touch's web browser.

So here's the big list of 63 streams in 63 languages!

